HVAC Repair Vs. Replacement; Which One Is The Wiser Decision?

HVAC Repair Vs. Replacement; Which One Is The Wiser Decision?

While choosing a contractor for HVAC replacement in Manassas, a few questions come to mind. Homeowners often face a dilemma of whether they should repair the system or replace the system. While taking the decision you need a particular plan of action.
How much would be the repair/replacement cost?

Should I replace the system or just repair the parts?

Will the new HVAC system would pay for its dependability?

Some background information about the new HVAC installation in Manassas would help you to make the right decision.

Signs to Take Into Account

Some warning signs can narrate the well-being of the system. Look, a system can become inefficient for multiple reasons. If there is a problem with the air filter or the ductwork it can be fixed without putting much pressure on your pocket. In case, the problem is severe and the system is about to break down, it’s better to replace the system beforehand. Moreover, when your HVAC system is older than 15 years and most of its parts are worn out, you should not wait to collapse the system completely.

The Cost Concerns

In most cases, the cost is the primary concern for HVAC replacement Manassas. When you find the monthly electricity bill is going higher and the maintenance costs are skyrocketing every year, it will be worth changing the older unit. In general conditions with the increasing runtime, the system also loses its peak performance. However, with maintenance and repair, you can restore the performance. With time you will realize most of the electrical parts are worn out. Moreover, the repair is no more a good financing decision. When you are too concerned about the efficiency and potential of the system, it is better to replace the system.

In case the repair cost is less than 50% of the HVAC system value, it is better to opt for a repair. On the other hand, if you haven’t spent a lot on repairing and maintenance after installing the system, then also repair is the best choice.

Health and Safety Concerns

The efficiency of the HVAC system also impacts the air quality, humidity and temperature within your house. Similarly, when the system becomes inefficient it fails to purify the indoor air. So, in case any of your family members has breathing-related concerns, you should not compromise with performance. Over time, no matter how well the maintenance plan is, the system fails to filter the air. Moreover, during summer days the humidity level would be high. As long as comfort and safety are concerned, an aged HVAC system cannot provide you with all the peak features.

Environmental Impact

As per the recent report by EPA, around 50% of the total energy of a household is consumed by the HVAC system only. Over time, the system starts to consume at least 20% more energy. An upgraded HVAC system not only helps you to protect the environment it also reduces the high cost of utility. It is also important to mention here the configuration of the system is as important as the ductwork. While HVAC Installation in Manassas, ask your contractors to install the right size for your home, otherwise it will also accelerate your utility bill.

Bottom Line

These are the most crucial consideration when deciding whether you should repair or replace the HVAC system. If you are still confused you can get in touch with us. Our technicians would access your system and provide you with a reliable solution.