Signs You Need To Fix the Heat Pump Immediately

Now that winter is here you will be expecting your heating and cooling system to be working fine. However, in many cases, it will stop working. When you’re preparing for the winter, you should also check for heating service in Stafford, VA that can help to fix any problem in your system.

If your house is too cool during the winters, it is an indication that your house’s HVAC system isn’t working efficiently. In such cases, you will need the help of professionals such as Dr HVAC Inc.

Signs to Fix the Problem

Winters in Stafford, VA can be extremely chilly. Therefore, taking the help of professionals for fixing the Stafford heating and cooling system can be of great help. Too much pressure on the heat pumps can lead it to breaking off easily. This will prevent you from staying warm during winters.

Some of the common signs that you need to hire a heating service in Stafford, VA include:

  • The heat pump makes a hissing sound

    One of the most common signs that the heating and cooling system isn’t functioning properly is the sound. When you switch on the pump, you are likely to notice a hissing sound. Many people ignore it considering the normal noise. However, it is necessary to note that this can be a huge problem. It can either lead to a leaking refrigerant or damage the entire ductwork.

  • The System Is Undergoing Irregular Cycles

    The Stafford heating and cooling system is meant at enhancing the cycles. If your heat pump starts functioning and does not seem to stop, you need to hire professionals. Moreover, another problem can be when your heating and cooling system breaks. Hindrance and discontinued functioning can be a huge problem.

    Professionals at Dr HVAC Inc are familiar with the situation and can help you get the best deal.

  • There Is a Weird Smell

    If you notice any weird smell when you turn on the system, it is an indication that the system needs repair. While it is natural for you to notice a faint smell, if it is too strong, it can be an indication about the clogged evaporator coil or condensate line.

  • It Seems As If the Parts in the Units Are Burning

    Sometimes it can feel as if the parts of units are burning. Burning wires have a strong, distinct smell. If you start noticing them too frequently after switching on your unit, you will need to call professionals for help.

    Dr HVAC Inc contributes to meeting the needs of the homeowners by fixing the heating and cooling system at affordable rates. However, if you need an inspection, we are available 24*7 to do that for you.

  • Signs of leaking

    It is very easy to observe the signs of a leaking heat pump. If you notice water marks around the heat pump or air handler, it can be a sign that you need to repair it.

    No matter where you notice the signs of leaks around your system, it can be a huge problem. Not only will it increase the risk of heat pumps breaking down, but also leads to the failure of the ductwork.

These problems may not be understood by a homeowner. Therefore, it is advisable to hire professionals at Dr HVAC Inc who can inspect the problem and fix them.

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