Top 9 Ways to AC Maintenance: A Complete Guideline

Regular maintenance and service of parts of AC like filters, coils, fins, drains, etc. is crucial to make your system perform at its best condition. Negligence in the AC maintenance and service results in reduced cooling capacity and damage to the unit.

As a homeowner in Lorton or Woodbridge, you can handle some routine air conditioner maintenance tasks yourself. However, make sure that the technical assessments and repairs are done by properly trained and licensed professionals. To keep your AC perform at its best, you can do AC maintenance in Lorton yourself. If you’re uncomfortable with performing any of the items on the list below or unable to do that, never hesitate to call a professional. If you want to maintain it yourself, always observe safety precautions. And, before you perform any work on your outdoor unit, make sure your electrical box power is off to ensure safety. We have shared below a complete guideline by following which you can ensure your AC maintenance job in Woodbridge or Lorton is done efficiently, and they are performing well.

AC Maintenance

1. Regular maintenance & clean-up of air filters

Remember, your dirty and clogged air filters can obstruct the normal airflow and reduce the cooling capacity of the AC system significantly. The dirty filter starts preventing the air from flowing inside, bypasses the filter, and carries dirt directly to the evaporator coil, thus soiling the cooling coils. So, you should clean the air filter efficiently at least once a month. Regular cleaning of air filters helps in proper cooling. If you have fur-bearing pets inside your home, cleaning your air filter is crucial.

You can find the air filter –

  • Behind the return air grille on a wall or ceiling in a central room of the house
  • Inside the blower compartment of the air handler or furnace
  • In a slot on the side, bottom, or top of your furnace

2. Examine the Thermostat

It is the easiest task that you can do for your air conditioner maintenance. All you need to do is to check your thermostat to make sure it works properly and keeps your home cozy and comfortable. If you have an older, mechanical thermostat, it would be wise to upgrade it to a smart, programmable model.

A smart thermostat enables you to set the right temperature when no one is at home. It does not switch your AC off. And it can cool the house down about 30 minutes before people arrive home for the evening.

3. Cleaning of Evaporator coils

A clean and efficient air filter protects the cooling coils from dust and dirt. But still, some dirt and debris get deposited on the coils with time. These deposits of dirt and debris reduce the heat-absorbing capacity of the coils and affect the room cooling process. A yearly AC maintenance in Woodbridge or Lorton can make your evaporator coils clean.

4. Maintenance of condenser coil

The condenser and fan unit are placed outside the home. The outside dusty environment, falling leaves, rain, and wind, etc. damage the condenser coils, and the dust and debris make it extremely difficult for the hot air and heat to dissipate outside. And as a result, the condenser and compressor get heated. Therefore, a yearly cleaning of the condenser coil is crucial for the condenser to work efficiently.

5. Unclog the rear drain

If the drain at the rear end is blocked, then water that gets collected inside the AC, and it finds no space to leave and drips inside the room from any opening. When the water inside the AC unit finds no vent, the humidity level inside the room also increases.

6. Cover up the compressor unit during winters

When your AC is not in use, especially in the winter season, don’t forget to cover up the compressor unit with a cloth to prevent dust and dirt from entering inside the unit.

7. Do not miss an AC service

Before the onset of the summer season, always call an ac service professional for a complete cleanup and service of your air conditioner. Whenever you call ac service professionals, make sure that he checks up all the AC parts like coils, compressor, fins, filters, drains, etc., and performs the necessary service.

8. Clean the Outside Unit

The outdoor unit of your AC starts building leaves, dirt, and grass clippings over time, and it decreases the capacity of your system and reduces airflow. It is a crucial reason you need AC maintenance for the outside unit.

To clean your outdoor unit, at first, you have to shut off the power to the unit. You can do that at the service disconnect on your outdoor unit or your home’s main breaker panel. Then, gently wash the debris with the help of a garden hose. Start at the top, with the hose at about a 45-degree angle, and work your way down. Never use a power washer to keep your unit protected from any damage. Also, be careful that the delicate fins and coils are not getting bent or damaged.

9. Check Wiring and Components

Keeping your air conditioner’s internal connections secure is another important aspect to consider. If you are unaware of the cooling capacity and the wiring connection, it might harm you. So, it is crucial to check the outdoor unit’s wiring at least once a year. You should

  • Check the old wiring inside the AC unit.
  • Look ‘under the hood’ of your A/C unit.

With the condenser unit’s power turned off, remove its access panel and look for signs of overheating. For instance, this could include melted insulation on wires and blackened or burned-looking wires.

If you need to maintain your technical part of the AC, you should go for professional help. Only with professional help, you can ensure efficient AC maintenance in Lorton or Woodbridge. You can talk to us anytime for expert consultation or efficient AC maintenance or repair services. The expert technicians at DR HVAC Inc are always active for your help.