Why Does The Heater Smell Like its Burning?

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Winter is here, and the best way to combat it is to use a system of heating in Woodbridge. But, what if you switch on the heater and it breaks down? Or even worse, it smells like it’s burning? These are the worst-case scenarios you wouldn’t want to imagine for your heater.

If you notice a strong burning smell from your system of heating in Woodbridge, you will need to reach out to professionals. While you may feel like something is on fire, it isn’t. Sometimes, all you need is professional heating repair in Woodbridge.

Why Does The Heater Smell?

If your heater is burning, it will be natural for you to sense it. However, it wouldn’t burn in many cases, yet the smell would be there. In such cases, you will need to reach out to professionals who will help fix the problem.

Professionals will provide you with exclusive heating repair in Woodbridge to help you overcome your problem. Some of the common reasons why your heater may be giving out a burning-like smell include the following:

  • Dusty Furnace

    When dust builds up on your furnace, it will likely give out a burning smell. This is very common if you have kept your furnace off for quite a few months and then turned it on. If you turn on your furnace after months, make sure to check for dust accumulation and remove it.

    The vents of the furnace have the maximum dust. As a result, they are likely to send off a burning smell. The vents will make your entire house smell, and you wouldn’t even need an alarm for it. Although the smell will go away after some time, it can be very tiring. If the smell stays for a long time, you should call for heating repair. Professional HVAC contractors can handle the situation effectively.

  • Debris In The Furnace

    If any debris has got collected in the furnace, you will need to fix it. It will often smell as if there is burning rubber or plastic around, and you should check which vent is emitting the smell. Furthermore, it is advisable to check if there is an object stuck in the vent.

    When you move the object, the smell is likely to go away. However, the smell won’t go away in many cases, even after moving the object. In such cases, you should turn off the system. Furthermore, you can reach out to professionals who can help you fix the smell.

  • Damaged Electric Wires

    Broken or damaged electric wires will emit a burning smell. However, this can be an indication that your furnace has a significant electrical problem. Rather than reaching out to any technician, you should consider inspecting the problem.

    It is advisable to check the damaged wires and get rid of them as soon as possible to prevent the risk of an electrical fire. If you do not maintain the system, it will lead to massive HVAC dysfunction.

  • Dirty Filters

    Dirty filters have often been the leading cause of a burning smell. It is advisable to change the filters every one or two months. If you do not change your filter anytime soon, it can clog the air filter. This will lead to the furnace using more energy. If there is dirt collected on the filters, the smell is a common thing to notice.

It is advisable to check for the signs of heater damage. If there are major damages, you may call professionals for heating repair in Woodbridge.